About Roger Sanborn – Some Memories from Elaine Clow
Author: sgreen
A Brief History of Commercial Street
It was about 1790 when Jeremiah Chandler built the first gristmill at the lower falls of the Contoocook River near its confluence with the Merrimack River. The mill was located on the south end of Commercial Street between the dam and the future site of the Harris woolen mill. It was only ten years later […]
Ambrose Tavern
By Willard Flanders – (Sept. 1897 – Jan. 1995) Of the many interesting historical blocks in Boscawen, this old Tavern on the north side of the Church is worthy of mention. Just when it was built and by whom, is a question. We first find David Ambrose as the owner who was succeeded by Justin […]
We the undersigned………..
A petition written during the early to mid-1800’s requesting the Select Men of Boscawen not to license tavern keepers that run “disorderly houses”. To the Select Men of Boscawen We the undersigned being inhabitants of said Boscawen, are conscious that the Laws relative to Taverners and retailers have not been duly observed, we fear that […]
1946 Welcome Home Celebration
(Excerpt from the 1983 History of Boscawen, written by Ron Reed) In 1946 the Old Home Week committee selected the theme of “Welcome Home Day” for the annual festivities. The program was designed to honor the returning veterans and servicemen who served their home town and country in World War II. As the days counted […]
Hannah Duston – Heroine and Witness
Heroine and Witness William Andrews’ Monumental Statue of Hannah Duston by Dain A. Trafton Given at the Deerfield-Wellesley Symposium 2015 “Outside the Gallery: Public Sculpture in New England” Historic Deerfield, 14 March 2015 Revised and Updated for the Boscawen, NH, Historical Society Website 26 October 2015
Standard Bearer – Fisherville N.H. – July 5, 1881
In 1880 the Rev. J. H. Larry assumed the position of Principal of the Penacook Academy in Fisherville, N.H. and established the “School of Practice”. For the next three years the school published a semi-monthly newspaper called “Standard Bearer” which had a circulation of around 1,000 copies per printing. In 1883 the school closed and the […]
Hannah Dustin Memorial Site Cleanup
The Boscawen Historical Society would like to thank Student Conservation Association, AmeriCorps and the State of New Hampshire Division of Parks Recreation for the hard work that was put forth at the Hannah Dustin Memorial Site. Click here to read the entire story. Click here to learn more about the Student Conservation Association Click here […]
Penacook Advertiser – October 19 1957
Click image to see full document Penacook Advertiser – October 19 1957
Penacook Valley Advertiser – August 21, 1952
Click on the image to see more pages.