A plot of township of land granted at [by] the Court to John Coffin and others lying on Merrimack River above Penacook, surveyed by Richard Hazen and two chainmen on oath being bounded as follows:
beginning at the middle of Contoocook River, where it empties into the Merrimack, where it joins the Penacook Plantation, thence running west 15° South adjoining Penacook line, four miles to a white pine tree, marked for Penacook corner bound; thence further on the same line three miles and eight poles to a Norway pine marked for the corner bounds; thence turned at eight angles and running North 15° west seven miles and eight poles to a crotched white birch lettered and standing on the south east side of a hill which is the Northwest corner; thence turned at right angles and run east 15 deg north, near seven miles and a half to a white oak and two white pines marked, by Merrimack river, and by said river as it runs to Contoocook river to the place where it first began.